


2018中國(鄭州)國際旅游城市市長論壇 讓世界認識“千年帝都,一朵牡丹”

作者: 發(fā)布時間:2018-05-29 瀏覽次數(shù):7739
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2018中國(鄭州)國際旅游城市市長論壇 讓世界認識“千年帝都,一朵牡丹”


5月29-30日,2018中國(鄭州)國際旅游城市市長論壇 旅游文化·洛陽論壇在洛陽盛大開幕,此次論壇洛陽迎來了30個國家的100多位市長及代表與會,以“共享經(jīng)濟時代下的城市優(yōu)質(zhì)旅游”為主題,探索共享經(jīng)濟時代下的城市優(yōu)質(zhì)旅游發(fā)展。眾芳集團作為將國花牡丹研發(fā)成 整朵在水杯中綻放的牡丹全花茶的品牌。

一朵牡丹全花茶 曾獲得“洛陽禮物”、“世界非物質(zhì)文化遺產(chǎn)傳承工藝”、“一帶一路”沿線國家和城市推廣使用產(chǎn)品等殊容、也是中國(河南)地域文化的標志用茶。此次市長論壇 被選定為2018中國(鄭州)國際旅游城市市長論壇專題活動指定接待用茶,以獨具代表的中原茶文化和洛陽味道,禮遇世界來賓,見證精彩時刻


文化為魂 ,旅游為體

旅游和文化,一直是城市發(fā)展的雙引擎。文化是旅游的靈魂,以文化為魂,旅游為體 的融合特征,能營造出良好的人文環(huán)境和旅游消費氛圍,從而大力推進全域旅游優(yōu)質(zhì)發(fā)展。洛陽特色禮品——一朵牡丹全花茶以洛陽牡丹為文化載體內(nèi)涵,因地制宜,綠色發(fā)展,致力于做綠色有機匠心產(chǎn)品。是河南 洛陽茶文化產(chǎn)業(yè)的領(lǐng)軍企業(yè),一朵牡丹全花茶是洛陽***具代表性的茶文化。




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魏險峰市長將一朵牡丹全花茶——伴手禮 贈與 印度代表團

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禮遇  ·  韓國首爾市旅游局局長

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禮遇·  意大利代表

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禮遇·  西班牙馬拉加代表

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禮遇·  很多喜愛洛陽文化,喜愛一朵牡丹的國際友人




A Peony Flower is made of Paeonia ostii. Yang Shangshan of Sui and Tang period, 1500 years ago, summarized the process of making peony scented tea. Since then, it was introduced into the Court. Wu Zetian chose it as her royal drinking, and never drank tea from south.


Luoyang Zhongfang Group is a modern high-tech agricultural company, concentrating on planting, studying, producing and trading Paeonia ostii. Its Paeonia ostii peony bases scatter in Yanshi City, Yibin District, Luanchuan District and Song District, There the planted peonies are natural and non-polluted.

3大系列3 categories


The process of making Paeonia ostii has been passed from generation to generation for conveying the ancient Luoyang`s culture and for giving customers opportunities to appreciate and taste the peony, Luoyang Zhongfang Group developed products of  5  categories, peony scented tea, peony seed oil,  peony attar, after studying for years.

豪華迷你裝68Deluxe Mini type 68yuan

伴手禮188As a gift type 188yuan

貢茶318元  Tribute tea type 318yuan



The specified tea of the 33rd and 34th Peony Culture Festival of Luoyang China


Peony planted on the alp; Tea plantation being ecological


Yang Shangshan, the doctor of the Court, created the process to make A Peony Flower. Yang shangshan(589-681) cured Wu Zetian, who had suffered severe illness. He systematically summarized and createdtheprocess of drinking the peony scented tea, which could promote the inner of a woman and the outer of her. That`s why Empress Wu only drank peony scented tea all her life.

Now Yang`s descendants inherited the ancient process from this great doctor. Based on the ancient process and lazed new trials, A Peony Flower, a new process of making peony scented tea was developed. In order that common people can also enjoy the pleasure of drinking peony scented tea to improve their character and health, Zhongfang Group aimed to do these.


Be wholesome and stay healthy


Paeonia ostii is a kind of herb, and also the only peony approved to eat by the government. In traditional Chinese medicine, one of the herbs called Danpi is the root bark of the peony tree. Tang materia medica says that dredging the blood vessel of heart, liver and kidney, nursing QI and blood and stimulating human meridian with peony can remove the turbid Qi, remain the essence and protect gut thus prolong life. Making peony scented tea with boiling spring water or purified water, the dried peony will bloom tardily again. After mere one glimpse, it will impress firmly in mind. A sense that the national flower is holy and far away from the noise world will come upon the gourmet. “Drink A Peony Flower frequently, and guts will be smooth and healthy.” The Doctor is In on CCTV10 reported on 2014,3,13.


Smriti of the ancient technique; remain its purity after 9 procedures


A Peony Flowerhas aintegrate process of making peony scented tea. A peony should be picked, selected, roasted and other 6 procedures with ancient process for three days and nights, and then can be called A Flower Peony. For instance, only the first procedure, picking, is very strict. The picked peonies must be buds from eco-growing peony areas. Before picking them, gardeners will observe the weather, select and mark those suitable buds ahead of time. The next day, bathing the shower of the dawn and tramping the dews, they will pick those marked buds. The whole procedure must be very careful. Only in this way can the integrity of petals, pollen, fragrance, figures and nutrition be guaranteed. The procedures of scenting and roasting should be repeated many times. A Peony Flower, inheriting the ancient process, made by ancient process and absorbing the essence of the world, is given birth by all the forces of the universe.



版權(quán)所有: 眾芳牡丹產(chǎn)業(yè)集團,一朵牡丹全花茶,洛陽牡丹花茶,洛陽特色禮,商務(wù)禮品,牡丹茶批發(fā),女教授,楊曉紅,科技苑
備案號:豫ICP備18034364號 技術(shù)支持:洛陽青峰 360網(wǎng)站安全檢測平臺